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Web Developer / Web Designer, Programmer
An Unprofessional Educator

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Professional Career

My Professional Career as a Computer Scientist / Programmer

When did I start Coding?

When I was a junior in high school, I needed to decide my major in college. I was a typical kid who thought hacker was a super cool career, and just like all those classic misconceptions about computer science, I thought Programmers === hackers! Then, I filled my form with a "Computer Science" major. I decided to teach myself how to code ASAP. I realized I misunderstand the Computer Science major after spending some time on coding and watching This youtube video. However, after spending some time on programming, I thought programmer is also a super cool career! So, I still decided to major in computer science at Brooklyn College.

How did I learn to code?

The Beginning

Before diving into it, I will put all the resources after this article. I started with many famous academic websites like Freecodecamp, Codeacademy, Khanacademy Lynda.com, Treehouse, W3School. In these websites, Freecodecamp was the best. Nevertheless, both Freecodecamp and Codeacademy give you training wheels. They hold your hand and teach you how to code. This form of teaching is not my taste, I prefer videos and project-based learning instead. However, then I found CS50, which I still think is the best place, to begin with. CS50 is one of the most famous CS (Computer Science) class at Harvard. They teach many programming languages like C#, Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more. In addition to that, the Professor made his lecture super super super interesting, and project-based. However, the course itself help beginners learn the fundamental of computer science. The fundamental is extremely important before diving into fields like Web Development, Machine Learnings or just any Computer Science fields. It's because knowing "Why this happen" is more important than "How to make this happen".So, when people encounter bugs, they don't just search for the solution on StackOverflow. So, I encourage anyone who wants to start coding, CS50 is a great place to go.

After CS50

After completing all the projects on CS50, I decided to dive in more deeper on Web Development. However, I was procrastinating super hard, I lose my focus every second, and I swipe my phone just like every procrastinator. So I dropped my skills every few week and pick it up again. This process was extremely annoying, I learned almost nothing but the basic of Web Development. Then I realized I can't keep these anymore, I deleted every entertainment APP on my phone, and uninstall most of the games. Then, I bought few courses on Udemy. I had some skills on HTML5 and CSS3 already, so I build few projects among with the courses. If you're interested in my projects, you can always check it out in my Portfolio Page and Github. Then, I started to land a job!